Nagpur to Hydrabad NH-7

RajpathInfracon    17-Dec-2021
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Nagpur to Hydrabad NH-7

Project Details

  • Name of Work
    Balance work of four laning of from km
    153.000 to km 175.000 of Nagpur-
    Hydrabad section of NH-7 in the state of Maharashtra - on Item Rate Mode- Construction Contract Package NS-62 (MH)-Bal-2 (Project consists of a Major Bridge)
  • Principal Employer
         D.G.M (T) and Project Director, NHAI-PIU, Yavatmal
  • Date of Work Order

  • Period

         24 Months
  • Principal Features

        Construction of National Highway

Nagpur to Hydrabad NH-7
Nagpur to Hydrabad NH-7