EPC 11 B from Bhavani Nagar to Dudti (Baramati)

Rajpath Infracon Pvt. Ltd.    12-May-2023
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ABD 11B_1

Project Details

  • Name of Work

    EPC 11B Improvements to NH 9 To Khadki Paravadi Shetphalgade Lakadi Nimbodi Bhawani Nagar Sansar Kurawali Road MDR 84 Km 21/000 to 31/000 (Part 21/900 to 30/030) Tal Indapur District Pune.

  • Principal Employer

    Public Works Department,Maharashtra

  • Date of Work Order


  • Period

        15 Months
  • Principal Features

          State Highway 2 Lane with Rigid Pavement

EPC11b 1

EPC11b 2
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